What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma or Six Sigma is a statistical measure of variability, typically in a given process, as well as a business performance target focused on critical customer specifications. In manufacturing, for example, Six Sigma measures the number of production defects. In a service environment, Six Sigma quantifies delays in financial reconciliation procedures.

Variation is the cause of defects and runaway processes. According to leading estimates, most companies today operate at levels of around four sigma, or approximately 6,000 defects per million. When a company has achieved a Six Sigma rate of improvement, this means that it has limited defects to 3.4 per million units, which is virtually defect-free performance.

More than a strategy, Six Sigma is a managerial approach to solving problems and optimizing processes in a quantifiable way. Adapting and applying Six Sigma methodologies can lead to vast improvements in business performance and financial profitability.

Six Sigma is not designed just for manufacturing companies. Financial institutions, health care organizations, and service providers may also benefit from Six Sigma.

With Six Sigma you can get:

Excellence at every level

Almost all organizations have three basic levels. The business level comprises the highest level of the organization. The second level is operations. The third level is the process level. Six Sigma is transmitted to the entire company and is applied at each level to achieve significant results. The success of Six Sigma is a function of the degree to which each level of the organization is transformed to improve its quality and overall profitability. Unlike other initiatives, Six Sigma needs to be understood and integrated at every level so that long-term improvements can be made throughout the entire company.

Immediate profitability

Six Sigma is much more than statistics and tools. Through a full deployment of Six Sigma, a direct and vertical integration between customer satisfaction and profitability is achieved. It is a program is a systematic methodology that focuses on the client in order to improve the performance of your business and deliver considerable results. When Six Sigma is implemented correctly in carefully selected business projects, defects are virtually eliminated before they occur. Without defects, you save valuable corporate resources in labor costs, materials, scrap, and fixed assets. All this translates into an immediate and impressive financial return.

Organizational Success

Las personas, no los programas, logran resultados por medio de Seis Sigma. Eso es porque los empleados en todos los niveles necesitan entender las metodologías de Seis Sigma para poder mejorar el rendimiento, la calidad y la rentabilidad de la organización. Cada graduado de un curso de entrenamiento Seis Sigma – conocido como un Black Belt – puede lograr altas reducciones de costos para cualquier empresa. Asociados de ACOSIXSIGMA que han aplicado Seis Sigma a proyectos, han reportado reducciones y ahorros de hasta $1.5 millones de dólares en su primer proyecto de entrenamiento Seis Sigma. Un Black Belt generalmente puede dirigir de cuatro a seis proyectos al año. Por lo tanto las reducciones de costos anuales pueden ser significativas para cualquier empresa. Para que Seis Sigma tenga éxito en cualquier organización, la aceptación en toda la empresa, desde el más alto nivel hasta el más abajo, no es crítica sino imperativa. Por eso el programa de formación ACOSIXSIGMA ofrece entrenamiento individualizado en cuatro niveles: dos programas de formación técnica para Black Belts y Green Belts, quienes dirigirán los proyectos de reducción de costos así como dos programas específicos Gerencial y Champion para la alta dirección/gerencia. Todos estos programas de se basan en un curriculum que ha sido desarrollado por expertos y mejorado a través de la valiosa retroalimentación de clientes. Cada uno es dirigido por instructores nuestros expertos, quienes tienen una extensiva experiencia en todas las facetas de Seis Sigma y en la calidad.

Benefits of Six Sigma

When the principles and methodologies of Six Sigma are correctly applied to strategic areas or key processes of any company, the results and improvements achieved can amount to high monetary amounts or other amounts such as:

In this time of intense global competition, customers expect more quality and value for their investment. Companies that strive to provide first-class service and value to their customers know that only the highest standards will win and sustain business relationships. Consequently, there has never been a more appropriate time for companies to learn and practice Six Sigma methods.

The Colombian Six Sigma Society can help you with training available sponsored by ACOSIXSIGMA and given by training companies affiliated with us.

Invest in the future of your company, contact ACOSIXSIGMA today for more information.

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What is the minimum number of hours in a Green Belt / Black Belt program?

According to the Body of Knowledge (BOK) of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and the international certification programs recognized by Motorola University and the International Society for Six Sigma Certifications, the minimum hour number of the Six Sigma program is:

  • Green Belt – 80 hours
  • Black Belt – 120 hours

There are a number of Six Sigma programs that are widely marketed and apply only a fraction of the BOK for each level. Acosixsigma is recognized for the large amount of curricular content that applies to all types of industry. For example, the estimated time for a Black Belt certification course is 120 hours, not including additional time allocated to a Six Sigma project. Other providers offer Black Belt training courses totaling 90 hours and Green Belt courses advertised at 56 hours. Therefore the variability in class hours obviously serves as a warning for interested companies to carefully check the subjects when taking a particular course against the established criteria for certification.

What is a Lean / Kaizen / Blitz Event?

A Lean/Kaizen/Blitz Event is an intense effort where the team applies specific Lean approaches to reduce waste, defects, and cycle time and to implement improvements in a particular process or department.

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma is an integrated set of methodologies that encompasses both Lean and Six Sigma concepts. It combines two powerful toolsets to address all aspects of quality, cost, and delivery. Both sets of methodologies have a customer and quality focus and are based on continuous improvement, which allows them to be very complementary.
Lean focuses on offering competitively priced products and services by eliminating waste and its drivers, while Six Sigma focuses on minimizing and reducing process variation that causes nonconformities.